Community-based efforts and collaborations in public involvement and engagement#
This discussion was an informative discussion that mostly gave the opportunity for attendees to ask PPIE experts about their experience so far.
PEDRI, in which DARE UK is involved, was mentioned as an ongoing reference effort and the group discussed whether or not the community is currently doing enough and the best way to do more. It is necessary to include PPIE in funding, make efforts to simplify language and ensure an impact loop of public panels (make sure participants learn about what they contributed to).
Next steps#
Establish what groups are already working on this, and find ways to collaborate effectively with them.
Raw Notes#
Introduction to the new stage of PEDRI which DARE UK are involved with
Question of how public can be involved in researchers questions and advocacy
Examples of how people can be involved in the process
How do you attract the right people to be part of the process?
PEDRI brings right PIE people together to bring the views of public
Funding needed to recruit people to panels etc
Question raised around education and how that helps with public involvement
What is the role of festivals and education and informal education? is the TRE community doing enough?
How difficult is it to make this work understandable at a public level? Think it is possible but are we focusing on that and being creative?
Impact loop of public panels, make sure we feedback to them the impact this has had
Should there be PPIE development across all organisations including academics, range of workshops or engaging with public?
Should we keep to a high level or the technical side of it. Benefits to both types of involvement. Who would decide what is taken to them?
Who should lead the public panels, if they are lead by TREs then do they not have an agenda or drive the conversations
Challenges of four nation approach when nations sometimes do a specific approach
How do we manage ‘experienced public’ should there be terms? Could they have another role?
Roadmap plan#
What resources would be needed (people, time, funds, infrastructure etc.)?
Funding to recruit members of the public who might not normally get involved. Examples of using Sortition and Coal Rabie and IPSOS
Utilising that expertise of external recruitment agencies
Training and support ofhow to communicate with members of the public for academics and ‘technicians’
How can this community support you in getting them?
TRE specific PIE groups
Embedding PIE skills in peoples careers
What working groups/orgs are already working on this, if any? How can we collaborate with them effectively?