Sight unseen: how far can we go with keeping data hidden from users?#
This is the model of OpenSAFELY. Questions explored were how to ensure that the provided metadata is sufficient, how to extend the approach to more complex data (highly relational/linked databases) and the implied need of code review before running on actual data.
In summary this can be done but there are limitations.
Raw notes#
What are the advantages and disadvantages of hiding data from users?
How do we minimise barriers and frustration when working with unseen data?
Pros and cons of hiding data. Is it even worth it?
Challenge with interpretting the question - is this about restricting just identifiable information?
In what scenario would it be beneficial to keep data hidden?
Federated analytics - OpenSAFELY model. Allows you to see data that is structured the same as the original but filled with random (synthesised?) data.
Can we provide sufficient metadata to allow for unclean or missing data?
Additional challenge with more complex data (highly relational/linked databases)
There is a need for code review before running on the original data
Who’s resposibility is it to create the metadata and do the cleaning? The data provider? The TRE (probably not)?
On the question of how far we can take this:
It can be possible, but there are limitations. Including reducing the chance of the results.
Pros of hiding data:
increase trust in research
potential for higher quality research (no p-hacking, more hypothesis testing, less data mining, etc)
There are some doubts about the value/need for this. Aren’t TREs with anonymised data enough?
Roadmap plan#
What would a solution to this problem look like?
What resources would be needed (people, time, funds, infrastructure etc.)?
How can this community support you in getting them?
What working groups/orgs are already working on this, if any? How can we collaborate with them effectively?
Something along the lines of the OpenSAFELY model could work
Requires trust in the data providers and researchers
Limitations of types of data and types of analyses
Resources required: people to do the code review step