Working Group: CyberSecurity Risk#
Chair: Donald Scobbie (EPCC)
Presentation (Donald): How to assess import of researcher analysis code to a TRE
Investigation of container vulnerability scanning
16 examples for researchers
25 with 1bn+ downloads, recently built, “official” or “sponsored”
Scan with Trivy and assess vulnerabilities
Results (1bn+ club)
Top ~20 resuls all based on Debian
Many more unpatched vulnerabilities than would ever be allowed as part of infrastructure or research VM. Not unexpected!
Alpine comes out quite well…
Container “best practices” may need to be reviewed for TRE use-cases
Results (Research examples)
Large number of outstanding defects e.g. pytorch has ~1k defects
More Ubuntu base images, no Alpine
Security clearly not a concern
Immediate thoughts
Major distros appear to be poorly rated
Best practices undermined
Build on existing “good” images
Difficult to retrofit “security” on existing containers
Imperative to share global code base
Why does Alpine score so well?
CVE review
Debian apparently has poor CVE history, but is quite heavily scrutinised vs others
Alpine has basically 0 CVEs reported. Appears that no one is looking at it closely! May not be as easy as “switch to Alpine”
Coverage blind spots in scanning tools
What’s the point?
Remote exploits rare compared to breaches due to human error
TREs need to conform to compliance / audit requests
Being compliant may not adequately address the actual risks
Still to investigate
Is over-reporting an issue?
Does patching make a difference
Other scanners beyond Trivy?
Hardening reports using Lynis
Working Group Next steps
Publish initial findings paper
Begin monthly WG meetings
Community survey
Group Discussion
UCL TRE group very interested! Contradiction of vulnerable containers vs researchers having choice of software. Can risks such as data egress be mitigated by the environment? Even when users have super-user privileges
How to “sell” this to IG groups? (all software is buggy)
Can rootless containers be a potential solution?
Win7 example. Core infrastructure had to be wrapped. NCSC advice was this is not sustainable. TRE containers are ephemeral though, so is this the same?
Will these mitigations cause deployment and infrastructure issues when analyses are scaled-out?
What are implications of vulnerabilities in e.g. Quarto? Don’t know! EPCC will baseline container and monitor additional software to show vulnerabilities are no worse
Some benefits are unclear beyond ensuring compliance, and come with great effort